lauantai 20. syyskuuta 2014

Abandoned places in Estonia (2)

I love abandoned places and I always take my camera out when I see an intruiging old building. For several years me and my fiancé Asko have done roadtrips to Estonia with our friends. Again this year, it was a perfect vacation and we saw a lot of beautiful places. Here are some of the abandoned buildings I came across. The white old manor is Riisipere manor, the other places are random buildings I came across.

Here's a link to some of my last years photos:

perjantai 5. syyskuuta 2014

Edvard Munch exhibition

There is a Edvard Munch exhibition in Helsinki at the Didrichsen art museum. I was invited to the exhibition opening through a friend of mine, and I was really happy to be at the gallery opening of such an exhibition! Edvard Munch is one of my favorit artists. I tend to like dark and symbolic art and some of Munchs gloomy paintings have always appealed to me. Before this exhibition I've seen a Munch painting  here or there at different art museums, but I've never seen this many paintings at once, so it was great to really dive in the world of Munch.

One of my favorits is the painting "Puberty", and I've also attempted to copy it. My copies are alwyas pretty loose...and in this painting I wanted to make the girl a modern day teen with smudged make up (inspired by the teenage girl from this music video: Kent - Kärleken väntar).

Copy of Munch painting "Puberty" 2009